our history
Claudia Lodge
A lifelong desire…
Claudia Lodge
is named after the person who desired it….
Claudia, an intellectual from Milan, had been frequenting the houses on the Bocca di Magra hill with other intellectuals, literati, artists, and friends since the 1980s. At first as a resort and then increasingly as a place of intimate atmosphere, harmony and peace. In the 1990s, during an excursion to Montemarcello, Claudia spotted a plot of land for sale with classic dry stone walls and a ruin, a historic vestige of the typical rural landscape of Liguria. He falls in love with it…
Having purchased the land Claudia immediately and for years embarked on a path to rebuild the ruin but with countless obstacles: bureaucracy, complex permits to obtain being a landscape protection area, tensions with neighboring owners. A series of difficulties thus prevent Claudia from realizing her dreams for many years.
The building permit eventually comes but-just days after Claudia’s sudden passing in 2016.
In order to bring Claudia’s dream to fruition, the heirs therefore committed themselves to construction, and finally, in September 2021, the Claudia Lodge came to life, which we now make available to those who can appreciate its essence of beauty and refined modernity.
an exclusive experience
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Via Borea 2E - Montemarcello
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